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Kamis, 22 Mei 2014

Something We should or shouldn’t do and can or can’t do

      I.     LIBRARY
                 i.   You’re supposed to read a book in the library
               ii.   You aren’t supposed to noisy in the library
              iii.   You’re allowed to discussion with friends in library
              iv.   You aren’t  allowed to bring food or drink to the library

    II.     MUSEUM
                 i.   You’re expected to study history in the museum
               ii.   You aren’t expected to break things that are in the museum
              iii.   You’re permitted to enjoy the facilities in the museum
              iv.   You aren’t permitted to take picture in the room of museum

                 i.   You’re supposed to order with a polite way
               ii.   You aren’t supposed to be rowdy in restaurant
              iii.   You're allowed to celebrate a birthday in the restaurant
              iv.   You aren’t allowed to bring food from outside the restaurant

  IV.     TRAM
                 i.   You’re expected to give your sit to elderly
               ii.   You aren’t expected to ride a tram without a ticket
              iii.   You’re permitted to listening music in the tram
              iv.   You aren’t permitted to bring your pet

   V.     PARK
                 i.   You’re supposed to keep the park clean
               ii.   You aren’t supposed to littering in the park
              iii.   You're allowed to picnic with your family
              iv.   You aren’t allowed to contaminate in the park

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